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M-Bus Design

Wireless M-Bus

In its simplest form, a Wireless M-Bus System consists of Wireless M-Bus Module, a Wireless M-Bus Reader and a PC program for configuration and reading. Each meter is automatically created in the PC program by means of the enclosed meter file, and an installation address is entered, if any.

If the system in question includes many meters or more than one Wireless M-Bus Reader is used, the meters can be grouped and linked to a specific Wireless M-Bus Reader. The meter list is transferred to the Wireless M-Bus Reader when it is connected to the PC, or wirelessly when it is connected to a USB power supply.

The power supply can be a Kamstrup Power Pack or a different type of USB power supply. If more than one Wireless M-Bus Reader is used, it will be an advantage to have one Wireless M-Bus Reader permanently mounted in the PC. In this way, meter lists and reading data will be wirelessly exchanged between each Wireless M-Bus Reader and the PC program. The wireless data exchange is carried out fast and automatically. In order to save power, the Wireless M-Bus Reader has a built-in movement sensor, which switches it off automatically when not in motion, or when all meters have been read.


This is a local communication network that comprises of up to 250 meters per Sub Network (expandable). The network can have up to 10,000m of data cable. The configuring M-Bus Module may be used to take Additional inputs/outputs for remote data acquisition from other local meters i.e. Cold water, electricity.


The Radio Module offers wireless communication using a 'license free' radio band. There are many data collection options including; manual walk by, manual drive by or automatic fixed point collection with remote access (via Link or GSM). Other Remote Data Collection options are; BMS, RS232, Modem, Lon Works, Data Pad or 4-20 mA.

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Specialists in HIU & M-BUS maintenance & installation